澳大利亚技术移民Expression of Interest(EOI)筛选模式中英文翻译
Professionalsand other Skilled Migrants
ProposedSkilled Migrant Selection Model (the Model) 推荐的技术移民筛选模块
Thefollowing information relates to the governmentas decision to implement a newskilled migrant selection model based on an Expression of Interest (EOI) andinvitation to apply. The proposal is in an early stage of development andconsultation. Although the key features are settled, further changes arepossible and the following must not be taken as a final description of how thenew selection model will operate. In particular, no action of any kind shouldbe taken on the basis that this will be the final model. The minister mayrecommend to the Governor-General in-Council amendments to the MigrationRegulations 1994 to give effect to the final model.
TheSkilled Migrant Selection Model 技术移民筛选模块
TheAustralian Government has decided on a major reform in the way Australiaselects skilled migrants, the Skilled Migrant Selection Model (the Model). TheModel will build upon and draw together the suite of reforms to the skilledmigration program over the past three years. In doing so it will deliver theskills Australianeeds by matching the best and brightest migrants to the available places inthe migration program.
TheModel will be an electronic system based upon a two-stage process. Prospectiveapplicants first submit claims for skilled migration through an online EOI andsubsequently may be invited to make a visa application. This is a significantchange from the current situation, as applicants for independent orstate/territory sponsored migration will be required to receive an invitationin order to lodge a visa application.
Onceinvited, the Model will ensure a match between the number of applicants and thenumber of available program places. This will result in streamlined processingtimes.
Foundationsand benefits of the Model 模块的基础和优势
Thefundamental principle underpinning the Model is that the skilled migrationprogram is determined by the economic needs of Australia. As such, it is necessaryfor the Australian government to manage who is able to apply for skilledmigration, when they are able to apply and in what numbers, on the basis ofthis need. It is proposed that the Model will allocate all places in theindependent skilled migration program to the prospective migrants, those whoscore highest on the points test, in each eligible occupational group.
Akey benefit of the Model is the ability to address regional skill shortages.The Model allows prospective migrants to nominate their willingness to live andwork in regional Australia.This will be of particular benefit to employers experiencing regional skillsshortages and state and territory governments attempting to settle migrants inregional Australia.
TheModel will connect state and territory governments and Australian employerswith potential skilled workers through a central database of prospectiveskilled migrants. This will help state and territory governments maximise thebenefit derived from their state and territory Migration Plans. From theperspective of employers, the Model would assist in the resolution of skillsshortages through quick and easy identification of prospective workers with therequisite skills and attributes, reducing advertising and recruitment costs tobusinesses.
Implementationof the Model 模块的实施
TheModel is proposed to commence on 1 July 2012. As of this date, new applicants forindependent, family or state/territory sponsored migration would need to submitan EOI and be issued with an invitation before lodging a visa application,unless eligible for transitional arrangements. The first round of invitationsis expected to occur in January 2013.